Discount Solar Screens
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Both SRP and APS recognize that windows are the number-one source of heat gain in the summer, responsible for as much as 48% of the cooling costs of your home. The most effective way of preventing this heat gain is by shading the sun before it heats the glass. Exterior solar screens can block up to 90% of the sun's energy before it heats your windows, dramatically reducing the heat in your home and the load on your air conditioner.

Mounted on a sturdy aluminum frame it is the highest quality window screen available today. Get this quality installed on your home for a price that is extremely fair and reasonable. If you live in the South-East Phoenix valley (Gilbert, Chandler, Mesa, etc.) and need solar screens I hope you will let me help you. My objective is to provide quality work every time, and to be an amazing value.

My name is Bryan, I personally handle every order and every installation (yes, I'm a one man operation). During the busiest months (spring to early summer) it may be difficult to make a free quote appointment with everyone that calls, but I can answer most questions and quote prices through email.
You may have seen some screen products at home-improvement superstores, but what you won't find is the quality that I offer.
My most popular screen (Suntex 90) is heavier, stiffer, and harder to work with than the products they sell.
The lightweight frame that they carry is not suitable for a heavy screen.
You'll find that I offer an amazing value when you consider the price of materials and the time that you'll save.
This is simply because lighter colors catch your eye, darker colored screens tend to disappear and you see what lies beyond the screen.
Q: Why do Black and Brown cost less than the other colors?
A: Darker colors are the most functional and the most popular.
There is a little price advantage because I do more volume in these colors.
Offering a discount tends to increase demand, which helps me to streamline my inventory and process making the discount worthwhile.
Q: How much can I expect to save on my electric bill?
A: SRP claims that by shading all sun-struck windows you can save up to 25% of your cooling costs.
With 80% screens a good portion of that savings may be obtained.
I am absolutely THRILLED with the screens.
You do fabulous work; I love the clips to make screen removal easy.
I feel like you definitely provided service that truly follows the old motto: Faster, Cheaper, Better.
We did not do all of the screens on the house, but may very well have you back out to finish some of the remaining screens.
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