Open Door Fellowship
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Open Door Fellowship is a gathering of people that belong to Jesus Christ. We have been bought by blood, called by grace, and gathered into a local body to be built by Him and for Him. These realities are so wonderful we can hardly believe they are true. More specifically, we are an independent Bible church, centered upon the gospel, that has been planted by another area church: Church of the Open Door in Leavenworth, Kansas.

An "independent Bible church" means we do not have a denominational connection. While we place a high value on partnering with other biblically sound churches, we are not controlled by any outside entity. As a Bible church, the Word of God is our first and final authority. We happily submit to what He has revealed, thankful that He has given us all we need for "life and godliness" 2 Pet.

When we speak of being centered upon the gospel, we mean that Christ's death, burial, and resurrection for the forgiveness of our sin has transformed us into a people who trust in God's power to change lives, and who seek holy living according to gospel realities.
We believe and teach that the 39 books of the Old Testament and the 27 books of the New Testament together comprise the entire written Word of God, the supreme and sole authority of Christian faith and practice.
The Scripture was given in the original manuscripts through the Holy Spirit by verbal (every word), plenary (complete) inspiration and thus is infallible, true and free of error or contradiction.
No other writing, experiences, tongues, prophesies, visions, revelations or traditions of any kind are inspired in this sense.
This is the defining page of this website, of our church, of our lives, and the universe itself.
If you miss this, you miss what we are about, you miss the reason you exist, you miss the glory of God, you miss everything.
And no, this is not exaggeration.
The glory of God is the reason everything exists.
God is glorious, and everything that exists, exists to make His glory shine more brightly and be enjoyed more deeply.
However, God did something that stands above and beyond all other things as the display of His glory.
Expository preaching is that which explains the author's intent in a specific Bible passage and applies that intent in our cultural context.
Expository preaching means God's word is in the driver's seat for each sermon or lesson.
Whatever the verse says, we must say.
Whatever the flow of logic is, we must be carried by it.
Whatever the emotion of the text conveys, we must likewise be moved.
Therefore, we preach through books of the Bible verse-by-verse.
In doing so, we are kept from skipping hard passages, riding hobby-horses, and falling into the typical imbalances of topical preaching.
What you wear is a reflection of your personallity (which we look forward to learning about), your heart before God (which we can't see) and your economic resources (which we don't know about).
For those reasons you will find a variety of styles.
There is nursery available during both hours for children under 36 months, except for the singing time.
Older children will go to sunday school located in the house during the first hour while the adults will be in the main building basement.
During the worship service, children three and older will stay in the service.
You were created for relationships.
Not only were you made for a relationship with God, but you were also made for relationships with people.
At ODF we want to strive toward being a body of believers that truly share in one another's lives for the sake of Christ.
We want to strive to never let anyone fall through the cracks.
We want to strive to make every visitor feel welcome and invited.
Our door is open and we hope you walk through it.
The three easiest ways to begin to connect with our fellowship are found in our small groups, our Sunday evening service and meal, and a special home study called Christianity Explained.
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